Facilitators and Administrators
Co-Facilitators: There shall be two Co-Facilitators with one representing TxDOT and one representing the grant recipient Administration. The Co-Facilitators shall serve for the duration of the TxDOT grant (historically one year, October through September, renewable upon TxDOT review and approval). The Co-Facilitators shall manage all grant related activities, serve as liaisons to TxDOT and other state agencies, and provide feedback and guidance to the TMSC to maintain a scope of activities that are consistent with funding requirements.
Co-Facilitator Appointments: The TxDOT Co-Facilitator shall be appointed by TxDOT but will likely be the TxDOT Motorcycle Program Manager. The grant recipient Co-Facilitator shall be appointed by the grant recipient organization or, in the absence of this appointment, be the Principal Investigator assigned to the grant.
Administrator: The duties of the Administrator shall serve for the duration of the TxDOT grant. The Administrator is responsible for coordinating the TMSC meetings, recording and distributing meeting notes and materials to Members and Task Force Members, supporting subcommittees (e.g., providing phone/WebEx support, taking minutes, etc.), and assisting the Co-Facilitators and other duties assigned by the Co-Facilitators.
Administrator Appointment: The Co-Facilitators shall jointly appoint an Administrator who may or may not be a TMSC Member (i.e., member of the grant recipient organization). If the Administrator is from the TMSC they shall be a TMSC Task Force Member.
Vacancies: Should the Co-Facilitator representing TxDOT resign prior to the expiration date of their term, TxDOT shall appoint a new Co-Facilitator to serve in their place. Should the Co-Facilitator representing the grant recipient resign prior to the expiration of their term, the grant recipient shall work with TxDOT to appoint a Co-Facilitator to serve through the duration of the fiscal year. Should the Administrator resign prior to the expiration date of their term, the Co-Facilitators shall appoint a new Administrator.
TMSC Membership
Members: Members of the TMSC shall be comprised of individuals who possess a demonstrated interest in eliminating rider fatalities and suspected serious injuries. Members shall be comprised of a diverse cross-section of riders, agencies, organizations, clubs, and groups from public and private sectors. Members are those individuals who can support the TMSC, Co-Facilitators, and Task Force Members, typically by providing their broad-based expertise and knowledge as needed. Members will be provided with regular information and updates regarding TMSC activities and initiatives, typically through quarterly TMSC meetings, and are encouraged to provide input to the TMSC at TMSC Coalition meetings. Their membership is marked by their inclusion on the Member list.
Enrollment as a Member is continuous. Members can disenroll at their discretion by notifying the Administrator via email. On the recommendation of the Co-Facilitators or as recommended by the TMSC Members, the TMSC Members may suspend or terminate a Member for just cause. Suspension or termination requires an affirmative vote of more than 50% of the Members present at a regularly conducted meeting. The Co-Facilitators can terminate the Chair or Members in extreme cases (e.g., unethical conduct, misconduct, etc.).
Chair: The TMSC Chair will shall serve as the organizational leader of the TMSC. They will work with the Administrator to identify meeting agendas, meeting day and times, and logistics needed for the operation of the TMSC. In addition, they will facilitate each TMSC Coalition meeting. Members wishing to serve as the TMSC chair shall submit a nomination form to the Co-Facilitators at the meeting prior to the expiration of the current Chair’s term. The Co-Facilitators will then lead a vote of the membership at the next Coalition meeting. The candidate with the majority of votes will then begin their tenure as Chair.
The TMSC Chair will serve a single term of two (2) fiscal years with the option to serve one additional term of two (2) fiscal years. The additional term shall be voted on and approved by majority vote by the TMSC Members at the TMSC meeting just prior to the Chair’s term expiration.
Resignation or Termination: Any Chair has the right to resign their position. Any resignation should be provided to the Administrator via email. The Co-Facilitators can terminate the TMSC Chair or Members in extreme cases for just cause (e.g., unethical conduct, misconduct, etc.).