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Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting
March 20 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm CDT
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
1111 Rellis Parkway
Bryan, TX
Texas A&M Transportation Institute Texas Department of TransportationTexas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting
Texas A&M Transportation InstituteBryan, TX
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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HQ 1140 Bridges Conference Room
If you will attend in person, please RSVP to Laura Higgins at [email protected] and provide your license plate number for parking.
Opening Remarks & Introductions
Guest Speaker: Douglas Tucker, Fallen Rider Foundation
Task Force Update
Educational Outreach to Law Enforcement and Judiciary to increase motorcyclist licensure
Proposed motorcycle legislation is linked here.
BREAK (as needed)
Motorcycle Safety Forum 2025 Update
Open Topic focus for other drivers
Vendor tables
Discussion of changing name – Motorcyclist
Open Forum (open)
What events or efforts are happening in your area?
What topic would you like to hear about next meeting?
March 20, 2025, 10:00 am – noon
Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) Headquarters RM 1140 & Teams
Opening Welcome & Announcements
The Texas Motorcycle Safety Forum is planned for May 3, 2025. We are confirming the Hilton Austin Airport.
Texas Motorcyclist Safety Awards will be presented at the Forum.
Guest Speaker: Douglas Tucker, Fallen Rider Foundation (mm 00:15:08)
The Fallen Rider Foundation was formed in 2007 by Deborah Allstead after her husband was killed on the roadway while riding. The Foundation is a non-profit organization that helps families of fallen riders, both financially and otherwise. The Brazos Valley chapter is the only one in Texas; the national Foundation is headquartered in Louisiana.
The Foundation contacts each family member or survivor personally to verify their information and determine what they need. To date, for Brazos Valley, the Foundation has raised over $165K in three years and distributed it to those in need.
The BV Chapter hosts an annual Blessing of the Bikes. This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, May 3. The chapter also does outreach on wearing helmets and other motorcycle safety. For more information, contact David “Griz” Lewis, Liaison. 979-574-5354 (cell), 979-321-0678 (Foundation); [email protected]; www.thefallenridersfoundation.org
Task Force Update (mm 00:28:23)
The TMSC Task Force 2025 special project plan topic is addressing unlicensed riders. This would include outreach to riders, law enforcement, and judiciary about reaching those riding without a license to encourage them to get trained and licensed.
Any volunteers to provide input on material type and content are greatly appreciated.
Comment from Randy Simpson – LEO in some municipalities are instructed to not stop a motorcycle rider on the road unless a violent felony has been committed. Crystal O’Rear agreed, saying that is the case in B/CS.
Jude Schexnyder developed a PowerPoint presentation called “Riding Dirty” while he was working for TxDOT, which was given to all municipality judges as part of their annual training conference. It was about instructing a rider to take a course instead of paying a fine. Cathy updated that presentation a year or two ago, and was able to present it at a Municipal Court training session.
One of the options that the Fallen Riders Foundation offers to any injured rider is financial assistance to take the course if they do not have a license.
Legislative update (mm 00:37:23)
Cathy presented a list of state House and Senate bills pertaining to motorcycles:
Bill | Caption |
HB 1108 | Relating to motorcycle profiling by peace officers. |
HB 2957 | Relating to the operation and movement of motorcycles on a roadway laned for traffic. |
SB 296 | Relating to driving safety or motorcycle operator training course dismissal. |
HB 3861 | Relating to driving safety or motorcycle operator training course dismissal. |
HB 3461 | Relating to certain memorial markers and designations on highways in this state. |
Anyone can follow these proposed bills by searching “motorcycle” on the Texas capitol website. With a login, you can set up notifications of any changes. If the bill goes before the committee, it should be open to public comment.
- A reminder that the Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition is NOT a lobbying agent. Individuals are encouraged to know their local representative and contact them to share opinions. Go to Who Represents Me? at https://wrm.capitol.texas.gov/home.
Kylie LeFever mentioned Tommy Estez (TCOC&I Region 1), who is interested in presenting some bills to the Texas Leg.
Hank Waters mentioned a new bill, HB4904 – Limiting landowner liability for Motorcycle Schools. If passed, this bill may help the training community find more training venues in the state.
2025 Statewide Motorcyclist Safety Forum planning discussion. (mm 00:48:12)
Cathy reviewed some of the plans for the May 3 Forum. Bystander and after-crash care have come up a lot this year as topics of interest among the motorcycling community, and so Stop the Bleed and Accident Scene Management are invited for sessions.
Maurice Maness has some thoughts on a possible contact to talk about airbag vests for the Forum.
If you have any suggestions for speakers, topics, learning activities, etc. please contact Cathy or Laura at [email protected], [email protected].
Open Forum (mm 00:52:18)
- Question from earlier in the meeting (mm 00:24:26): Are airbag vests effective for safety? Some feedback from attendees – airbag vests can be very helpful in some crashes to prevent injuries. There are also airbag pants now to protect lower extremities.
- Crystal O’Rear – Unlicensed to Ride update. Riders who are signed up to take a Basic course can earn up to $50 by taking before-and-after surveys.
- Link for Unlicensed to Rider participation (opportunity for riders taking the Basic Course to earn up to $50 by taking before and after surveys). https://tti.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9GfBk3JZdO75MZE
- Kylie LeFever – April 11 event; opportunity to learn CPR. Attendees will include Penny Fuller, Dave Metcalf. Kylie is becoming certified as a CPR trainer, so will be available for training opportunities in the future.
- TCOCI Region 1 has kicked off our Proclamation campaign for National Recognized month of May Motorcycle Safety & Awareness month!
- VanJames – update on TxDOT Motorcycle Safety Month campaign; May 1-May 14. He will share the calendar on media events.
- Joel – getting more concerned about lack of RCP classes in the state. TEEX is no longer advertising courses, so we’re down to Cindy and Dave (planning two RCP courses this year) and the Be Crash Free group to train our new coaches. When are we going to have another TDLR meeting to discuss concerns about this? Cathy – try reaching out to contract directly with one of the RCP training groups. We’ll look into posting some information about this on the LLL website. Regarding the Board meetings, go to TDLR website and look up the motorcycle area; the Board has some open seats that need to be filled so they can start meeting again.
- Texas Fandango Vintage Motorcycle show – first weekend in April, Fredericksburg. https://thetexasfandango.com/
- Kylie – when you see an unsafe road/intersection when driving/riding (such as a missing stop sign), who do you call? Crystal – try contacting the traffic department of the city or county. Savannah – see if your area has a Vision Zero initiative – they will take feedback.
Adjourn (mm 01:19:40)
The next coalition meeting will be held in June, likely a Thursday, 10:00 – noon.
Thank you to our guest speaker and everyone who joined us today. We are delighted to see so many new people today. Next time bring a new friend.
March 20 2025 TMSC Meeting Minutes: 2025-03-20-TMSC-Meeting-Minutes-Handout.pdf