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2020 Texas Motorcycle Safety Forum
February 22, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm CST
Y.O. Ranch Hotel & Conference Center
2033 Sidney Baker St.
Texas A&M Transportation Institute Texas Department of Transportation
The Texas Statewide Motorcycle Safety Forum agenda can be found here: Agenda
The 2020 Texas Motorcycle Safety Forum was held on Saturday, February 22, 2020 at the YO Ranch Hotel in Kerrville Texas. The Forum began at 9:00 a.m.; 130 people attended.
Mike Manser, Senior Research Scientist at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), and Chris Beireis, Chair of the Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition (TMSC), opened the Forum and welcomed attendees. Terry Pence, Director of the Behavioral Traffic Safety Section at the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), spoke about the #EndTheStreakTX campaign and the goal set by the Texas Transportation Commission and TxDOT to reduce the number of crash-related deaths in Texas to zero by 2050.
Morning Breakout #1a: How to Keep our Drunk Friends Alive
Troy Walden, Director of the Center for Alcohol and Drug Education Studies at TTI, led this breakout session, which focused on helping riders identify effective alcohol prevention and intervention approaches that can be used to help fellow riders when they have been drinking. Attendees discussed impairment in motorcycle crash risk and developed a list of future drinking and riding prevention efforts that could be incorporated into groups, clubs, and social settings to reduce the incidences of drunk riding.
Morning Breakout #1b: Stop the Bleed
This hands-on 1-hour course, led by instructors from the University Health System in San Antonio, taught attendees how to recognize and control life-threatening bleeding emergencies using pressure, wound packing, and tourniquets.
Morning Breakout #2a: Changing the Culture of Drunk Riding
Troy Walden moderated a discussion about promising ways to reduce impaired motorcycle riding through changing cultural views that may not always promote a strong message for rider safety. Topics included new and novel ways to change motorcycle rider culture such as enhancing safety centric peer activities; incorporating traffic safety social norms in to drinking and riding prevention awareness; and expanding crisis intervention awareness for events, motorcycle organization leaders, members of clubs, and everyday riders.
Morning Breakout #2b: Motorcycle Mythbusters
Maurice Maness of the Training Wheels motorcycle school and Laura Higgins, Associate Research Scientist at TTI, involved attendees in a “Family Feud”-style game highlighting information about the situations and scenarios that present the greatest threats of crash-related injury and fatality to motorcycle riders.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: How to Make Riding Safer Through Training: Implications for All Riders
Lee Parks, President of Total Control Training, spoke about the strong connection between rider skills and crash avoidance, and about the development of the Total Control training program.
Afternoon Breakout #1: Combat Riding
Jude Schexnyder, MSF Instructor, Total Control Rider Coach, & AMA Texas Chapter Volunteer Coordinator, conducted an interactive presentation on strategies that can make riders safer when traversing intersections.
Afternoon Breakout #2: Low Speed Safety Considerations for Turning and Curves
Paul Harper, Co-Owner/Instructor at ProRider Central Texas and Motor Sergeant, conducted an outdoor presentation and demonstration on techniques for improved low speed maneuvers, defensive riding strategies, and tips on how and when to use the motorcycle’s horn to avoid crashes.
Afternoon Breakout #3: Minimizing Crash Risk in Curves
Lee Parks conducted an indoor demonstration on techniques for minimizing crash risk in higher-speed curves.
Closing Session
Mike Manser provided information and updates on the Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition. Staff from the Texas Department of Licensing and Registration (TDLR) provided updates on the transfer of the Motorcycle Training Program from the Department of Public Safety to TDLR in September 2020.
Troy Walden, Director, Center for Alcohol and Drug Education Studies, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Troy Walden, Director, Center for Alcohol and Drug Education Studies, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Maurice Manness, Texas Department of Transportation and Laura Higgins, Associate Research Scientist, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Paul Harper, Co-Owner/Instructor at ProRider Central Texas, Motor Sergeant, MSF Instructor
Impaired Driving Breakout Session - Report Out: Impaired-Riding_report-out.pdf